creative consumption

I am one who resists the binary nature of life. that good and evil. Dark and light. Black and white all resist the hues that exist between the neat lines we like to place upon and between everything. There is a certain guilt I feel when I fall for “IT”. It is the moment when i have been encouraged to purchase that product, and I do. Or even the time when I find myself inundated no matter what I make or create. The ease with which we destroy and remove is startling. It comes early as second nature to topple a siblings tower or rip up some precious work of art from school. Equally when fed is the urge to create, to draw upon the unseen to create beauty that will help inspire.

Amazing that God has continued to love us despite out appetite for destruction. Anyone can remove something material by violence, immaterial by way of criticism. Everyone has the ability to criticize what someone is doing. Not all will have the opportunity to do something that can be scrutinized by its radical nature and tendency to challenge the status quo. Many entities are bound to come up with more ways that we can consume, not so much how we can build. The world is in desperate need of new possibilities. The organizations, institutions and establishments have become static in their growth. A child is constantly looking into the fluid nature of change with wonder. Man is obsessed with what they can control. For reasons that are known primarily to our nature, we trust our ability to take apart and are suspicious of the promises to create. This life is full of abundance and the lie of scarcity will well up resentment in us ultimately.

If only we would create songs, words, and life more than we appreciate the death of those things. They are the essence of life and even connect to the creation that existed in the beginning. The drama of life and stories that we crave so much can be given to the vision and heart to go forward into the future with eyes open to the windows from which life flow. In numerous ways we are always consuming. Yet the deliberate process for creation introduces us to a world just waiting for our imagination to be activated in all of it’s goodness.

Bam Stanton

Bam’s story is one that was unique from the very beginning, born in California in a family with 7 kids, his precociousness was recognized and encouraged from a young age. Entered in city-wide oratorical contests and educational opportunities afforded to a few through the GATE program. Most of his childhood was spent traveling back and forth between his father in California and his mother in Oklahoma. These trips alone on Greyhound buses at the age of 12 formed a wanderlust and thirst for change that is rare. This has extended to an adulthood that has seen Bam develop creative mediums painting, writing and especially speaking. The most recent journey included founding a not-for-profit, Forgive.Us. His heart is to build a bridge on which racial-division in America can heal. An organization dedicated to encouraging artists to speak out about injustice. In 2020. it’s founding was followed by a 20,000 mile RV Trip around the country to host events. Bam is now embarking on his next mission, to motivate and inspire businesses into resilience and innovation. His work has been featured in Interfaith America, WBBM Chicago, RV Today, Rootless and Rova. He currently resides in Oak Park, IL with his wife and 5 children.

How the LA riots shaped me